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​News Item 1

Congratulations to our new  officers:


Sherry Youngquist 

Chair, (SKYCTC)


Krista Shaw,

Vice-Chair, (Madisonville)


Mary Maupin,

Treasurer(West KY)


Nann Harwood, 

Membership (SKYCTC)


Debbie Banks,



Shellena Smith,

Web Tender(SKYCTC)​



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Remembering Gary Beagle

Jan 31, 1966-Sept 9, 2021


TYCA-KY lost one of it’s own this month with the sudden departure of Mr. Gary Beagle of SKYCTC. Gary served as former chair and vice-chair of TYCA-KY and had been an active member for many years.


“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality”

—Emily Dickinson—

gary beagle.png
Our Mission

TYCA serves to promote the teaching and study of English in the two-year college, to advance the theories and practices of teaching English in the two year college, to provide a state-wide voice for the two-year college in postsecondary education, and to focus on quality instruction in the area of English. Recognizing the unique institutional character of the two-year college, open to all students, TYCA-KY is further committed to student diversity in culture, age, background, ability and goals, and the critical role of literacy required in a democratic society.

Who We Are

TYCA -KY: The "two year college" encompasses community colleges, junior colleges, and the first two years of college at higher universities. We invite any involved in currently teaching or retired from the teaching of English to join our group. We are also opened to people who are pursuing careers in the teaching of English at the post-secondary level.






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