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SEC(State Executive Committee

The TYCA State Exectutive Committee consists of at least five voting members ( Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Cordinator. Each representative shall serve one year and shall also hold membership in TYCA-SE . The Vice Chair will assume the role of Chair the following year. At least one business meeting is to be held in conjunciton with the annual state meeting. Other meetings may be called by the Chair or by request of two or more members of the SEC. Meeting notices will be provided at least two weeks in advance and at least fifty percent of the current SEC shall constitute a quorum. All SEC meetings will be announced via one of the websites. The SEC shall fulfill the following purposes: Carry out the central purpose and fulfill the specific goals of the state; Study and discuss issues common to the teaching of English in two-yearColleges and propose specific methods and practices to improve the teaching of English; Encourage the professional development of all teachers of English in two-yearcolleges in Kentucky; Promote the development of the association in any way consistent with the bylaws or with the policies and procedures of TYCA-KY; Appoint committees to explore the problems of teaching English in two-year colleges and make recommendations to address such problems to the State Executive Committee (SEC); Cooperate with other constituent groups with similar interests and concerns; Propose and promote regional association program proposals; Communicate with TYCA-SE; Advise on the financial proceedings; Establish guidelines for allocating any funding granted to TYCA-KY; Undertake other actions judged appropriate by the State Executive Committee to further the mission and purposes of TYCA-KY; Select a site and dates for the annual meeting and plan the general theme and outline of the meeting. 


The duties of each member can be found in the bylaws.

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